
  • Coming Home to the Coffee Lab

    Once October hits, there are many wonderful things to look forward to. The leaves begin morphing into brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. Pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider start to pour into mugs. Halloween approaches and the season of Fall has truly settled in. At NCC and the Coffee Lab, these changes mark the coming of a beloved yearly event: Homecoming.
  • Direct Trade vs Fair trade

    In the coffee world, fancy and foreign jargon gets thrown around on a daily basis which can leave the unassuming consumer slightly confused. This article is hoping to clear up some disparities in a small sector of the language. You may have recently picked up a bag of coffee in your local grocery store or coffee shop that had a little “Fair Trade” certification on it. This is thought to be a good sign, but it's actually just a great start. Fair Trade certification is a similar concept to Certified Organic which is a topic we will be touching on in a different blog post. Here, we will clear up the differences in Fair Trade vs Direct Trade.