Visions of Coffee was made in collaboration with the Kaqchikel Maya farmers of Café Juan Ana, a growers’ association based in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala. In the film, indigenous coffee farmers remember transitions from wage work on plantations to livelihoods as independent coffee farmers. The film also explores strategies farmers employ to leverage better, more meaningful livelihoods from coffee, how the community managed the pandemic, and the hopes and aspirations of the farmers for coffee in the future.
Classroom Version
Permission is granted for use within classroom settings only. Permission is not granted for showing to larger, public audiences.
$15 for one academic year rental for all four chapters (September 2024 through August 2025)
Chapter 1. “Memories of Coffee” (33:20)
The history of coffee in the lives of the farmers, in the community of San Lucas and in Guatemala. Farmers remember transitions from wage work on plantations to livelihoods as independent coffee farmers. Some of the stories involve the farmer's own path to independence, others recount the struggles of earlier generations.
Link: https://vimeo.com/988651072
Chapter 2. “Working in Coffee” (34:13)
How contemporary farmers work to leverage an improved livelihood through the limited opportunities provided by specialty coffee. Farmers’ strategies address material factors, but also involve the way farmers conceptualize relationships among people and between people and the natural world.
Link: https://vimeo.com/988673527
Chapter 3. “Pandemic” (26:34)
San Lucas weathered the COVID-19 pandemic better than most Guatemalan communities. How the community managed this involved both material strategies and distinctively Highland Maya cultural framing.
Link: https://vimeo.com/988684747
Chapter 4. “The Future of Coffee” (17:30)
Link: https://vimeo.com/988927708
Farmers discuss hopes and aspirations for themselves and their children.
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